Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Day 175-Beer 175 Imperial Russian Stout, Wellington County Brewing Co. Guelph Ontario

Went to Buffalo to visit a Lynn B., a good friend who is recovering from an operation. He looked really good  and should be home soon. His wife Phyllis, a close friend Roberta and one of his daughters were also there visiting. Glad you are doing so well and hope to visit you at your home this summer. Anyhow tonight's brew is for you Lynn. It's similar to our "iron beers",  a Russian Stout. It poured jet black almost syrupy in nature with really nice creamy tan head. The aroma was dark chocolate and espresso coffee and sweet roasted malts. The taste was chocolate and coffee up front with a lingering sweet molasses taste with the bitterness of bakers chocolate.  I'm sure this one must contain some extra iron to help us with our blood level's too. Overall a good stout 3.9 out of 5 and so I think I'll need to have a couple more  for you Lynn. Get well and I look forward to many games of golf with you this winter in Florida.

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