Monday, March 31, 2014

Day 90-Beer 90 Hoppy Boy, Twisted Pine Brewing Co. Boulder, Colorado

A hoppy boy I was not, I open tonight's brew and it began to foam up and I lost almost half of my bottle of beer. What was left poured a slightly hazy copper colour with lots of floaties, not good. The head that was left did stay a long time and it had nice sticky lacing along the sides of the glass. The aroma was grapefruit, caramel and hops typical of an IPA. The tast was fairly well balanced with malts, citrus and hop bitterness. Overall a pretty good beer with nice sticky flavour but way to many floaties for my taste. 3.7 out of 5. As for being a hoppy boy, I added my picture that friends took of me on Mar 28 in the 19th hole after my HOLE IN ONE. I was truly a hoppy boy!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Day 89 - Beer 89 Wyld Extra Pale Ale, Uinta Brewing Co. Salt Lake City, Utah

Earth Wind and Beer, I love it. Unleashed by Unita and me, it poured a clear golden colour with very little head but it did leave some nice lacing. The aroma was not as I expected from the name, it only had a hint of citrus and hops. The taste was watery with a slight flavour of malt and hops, one step up from a bud light. If you want a mild pale ale this may be it but it sure aint wyld no matter how you spell it. 3.3 out of 5

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Day 88-Beer 88 Red Nectar, Nectar Ales, Paso Robles, CA

Off to a golf tournement today with the neighbours Ken and Barb. Had a great time and had lots of warm-up beers after the game. Barb won the putting contest, kicked the ... out of the rest of us. tonight's brew red nectar poured a hazy dark copper colour with very little head but lots of nice lacing and sticky leggs. The aroma was citrus, tangerine and honey. The taste was citrus, lemon, sweet malts with a background of hops bitterness. Overall well balanced hops and malts, a good beer, 3.7 out of 5

Friday, March 28, 2014

Day 86-Beer 86, HOLE IN ONE #1, Storm King Stout, Victory Brewing /co. Downingtown Pa

CAN YOU BELIEVE IT, a HOLE IN ONE Today, on the par 3 8th hole at Indian Lake Estates Golf Course Fla. Wow what a day, so I have had a lot of warm-ups in the 19th hole before tonights brew. Victory Brewing, Storm King poured dark chocolate, almost black, with a creamy milk chocolate head that left a ;little lacing and nice sticky leggs. The aroma was roasted coffee some dark chocolate, and a slight hint of fruity sweetness. The taste waslots of roasted malts upfront, expesso coffeee and lots of hop bitterness. This is a good on to sip on or maranate a steak with. 4 out of 5

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Day 85-Beer 85 Star Island Single Session Ale, Smuttynose Brewing Co. Portsmouth, NH

Another smuttynose, Star Island Single poured a cloudy golden colour with lots of very carbonated head. The aroma was citrus and sour yeast. The taste is slighty citric with nice malt flavour and a dry clean finish. 3.5 out of 5.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Day 84-Beer 84 Jever Pilsner, Friesisches Brauhaus Zu Jever Germany

tonights brew poured clear golden colour with okay head and bubbly lacing that was left behind. The aroma was typical pils with hints of malt and grass. The taste is pleasant with hints of malt and hops. Nice bitter, aftertaste, finishes dri and crisp. Overall a good pils but not spetaculat, 3.6 out of 5

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Day 83- Beer 83 Banks Caribbean Lager, Banks Brewery, Barbados

Had a few at the pup with the camp tiger group and some pizza and now my nightly duty. Banks, without the money, poured clear colden colour, not a lot of head and verlittle lacing. The aroma was a typical lager, grainy, a bit sweet and just some gentle hops. The flavors were basically the same as the scent, mildy sweet,decent base grains. It was very light but drinkable and certainly a step up from corona but nothing special. 3.4 out of 5.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Day 82-Beer 82 Full Sail Amber Ale, Full Sail Brewing Co. Hood River Oregon

Had a great game of golf today, shot my best score to date here in Florida and 86. Tonight's beer poured a clear dark amber colour, some head that left nice sticky lacing. The smell was sweet caramel malt and a bit of orange. The taste is sweet, malty with just a hint of hops with a a dry sweet finish. 3.6 out of 5

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Day 81-Beer 81 Fat Tire Amber Ale, New Belgium Brewing Co. Fort Collins,Colorado

Rochelle and I played our first game in the couple league today, we thought we did okay for a first trip out. Then off to Doug and Judy's for a few warm up beers and a Fat Tire. It poured a clear red/amber colour with just a little head that left some lacing. The smell was light hints of sweet honey and nuts, nothing special or oustanding. The taste was very light with a bit of sweetness, caramel/toffee, with no real hints of hops. Overall easy drinking but not a lot to it 3.5 out of 5

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Day 80-Beer 80 Baba Black Lager, Uinta Brewing Co. Salt Lake City Utah

Got slaughter at cards tonight by Tom and Delores but there is always next week. Earth Wind and Beer, herded by Unita this beer pour blcak with amber coloured head that left nice lacing. The smell was toasted malts and tofee. The taste was toasted malt, dark chocolate and cofee. As easy drinking beer. overall very good in spite of the low alcohol content at 4% , 4 out of 5

Friday, March 21, 2014

Day 79-Beer 79 Two Hearted Ale, Bell's Brewery, Comstock, Mi

Tonight's beer poured a hazy golden/amber colourwith adequate head and good lacing. The aroma was sweet citrus and the taste was similar with some sweet malts up front with a citrus hops background. It however didn't hit the mark for me as an IPA. It was a little two sweet and far too light for it's type. I would have liked it to me nore hoppy as well but overall ii was clean crisp, refreshing and easy drinking. 3.8 out of 5

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Day 78- Beer 78 Florida Lager, Florida BeerCo. Melbourne Fla

Off to the lounge for tacos and a few warm ups before tonights beer. The discussions were as usual golf but tonight a new league may have been born. I sure hope it works out. Florida lager poured a sightly hazy golden amber colour. It had nice head which left a little lacing. The smell is sweet with caramel malt and a bit of toasty appeal. The taste is sweet,a very typical european style lager. It is fairly easy drinking lager that would go done great on a hot sunny day bkut there are lots of other lagers that would do the same. Its okay but not outstanding in any way, 3.4 out of 5

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Day 77 - Beer 77 Headwaters Pale Ale, Victory Brewing Co. Downingtown PA

"Victory for your Taste" Headwaters Pale Ale poured a clear copper colour with adequate head that some lacing, but not a lot of nice sticky leggs. The aroma was citrus, grapefruit, and hints of malt.The taste is bitter citric hops, a little fruity flavour up front with some malt sweetness. Overall nice crisp flavour with a creamy feel. A good APA 3.9 out of 5.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Day 76-Beer 76 Hop Nosh IPA, Unita Brewing Co., Salt Lake City, Utah

More Earth Wind and Beer, I love it. Uinta must like to make strong beers, this one was 7.3%. It poured a clear golden orange colour. It had a nice creamy head that left lots of great sticky lace. The heavy citrus/lemon aroma hits you as soon as you open the bottle. The taste is like a hop sandwich,well balanced with nice citrus/grapefruit up front with a hint of sweet malt in the background and lots of hops to enjoy. Not as sharp on the alcohol tastes as Uinta's Double IPA, 4.1 out of 5

Monday, March 17, 2014

Day 75-Beer 75 Detour Double IPA, Uinta Brewing Co., Salt Lake City,Utah

The basic elements are EARTH WIND and BEER. By the way,I didn't get lost today, but I sure enjoyed my Detour to Utah. Uinta mapped out a very good brew. It poured a dark copper colour with really nice creamy off white head that left scads of nice sticky lacing. This beer had leggs so to speak. The aroma was citrus and toasted and caramel malts.The taste is strong with citruségrapefruit, hop bitters with a nice balance of caremel If I had to fault this beer it come from the sharp alcohol aftertaste from the 9.5 % ABV. With a little less alcohol this would be a fantastic brew, either way I buy this one again 4 out of

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Day 75-Beer 75 Chang Beer, Cosmos Brewery Co., Ayutthaya, Thailand

Went to a Thai Restaurant today in downtown Winterhaven. The food was great, some of the best Thai Food I've had. The green curry was exceptional. While in Rome... or while at a Thai restaurant you must try a Thai Beer. I had a Chang Beer, a lager that poured a clear golden colour with lots of bubbly head and good carbonation. The aroma is made up of carmelized malts with a hint of hops. The taste is light with some hints of grains and malt sweetness and just a hint of hops. It was quite clean and crisp but not a lot of flavour. I'd give it a 3.2 out of 5. As for the restaurant I go back anytime, it was great.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Day 74-Beer 74 Samuel Adams Cold Snap, The Boston Beer Company, Boston, Ma

A night of Up the river, Shoot the Moon wtih Doug, Judy and their two sons Kurt and Chris. Tonight's beer I drank from the bottle so I am not sure how it would pour but the smell was a typical wheat beer with hints of citrus. Okay carbonation but not as good as other wheat beers that I have had. 2.9 out of 5

Friday, March 14, 2014

Day 73-Beer 73 Carlsberg Elephant, Carlsberg Brewery, Frederica, Denmark

Thought is was time to try a European Beer again, after last night's fiasco, but this one isn't much better. Elephant is a strong beer at 7.2%. It poured a clear golden orange colour with almost no head and no lacing. It's smell had a hint of grain and a metalic/solvent odor. The taste was a little sweet but it had a bitter metalic after-taste that was quite different from a good hops bitterness. Overall not very good unless you want a quick buzz, I guess a 6 pack would do it. 2.9 out of 5

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Day 72 - Beer 72 Honey Weiss, Leinenkugel Brewing Co. Chippewa Fall, Wisconsin

Honey Weiss was labeled as a wheat beer with real Wisconsin Honey. Well to start it didn't pour like a wheat beer, very little head, no lacing, and a crystal clear golden colour. It didn't have the smell of a wheat beer, although you could smell a little sweetness, I guess from the honey. Back in Ontario one of the cheapest beers you can buy is Lakeport honey. This reminded me of that beer, it drinkable and fairly light but thats about all you can say. I'd give it a 2.6 out of 5

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Day 71-Beer 71 Robust Porter, Smuttynose Brewing Co.,Portsmouth, NH

Kristal was to fly home today but Buffalo was socked in and her flight was canceled so she had to spend a couple more days here in the sunny south. The brewery writes "This hearty, mahogany colored ale is brewed to evoke the dark, full-bodied ales that were a favorite of dockworkers and warehousemen (hence the name “Porter”) in 19th century London. It is a good bet that when Dickens’ Mr. Pickwick sat down for a pint, we would have been drinking an ale much like our Robust Porter.This is a smooth and very drinkable beer, characterized by its well-balanced malt and hops, plus subtle notes of coffee and chocolate." Well it poured a dark chocolate brown with nice creamy milk chocolate head. It had a very aromatic expresso smell with roasted malts and a hint of smoke. The flavour was dark chocolate and coffee with a little sweetness and a little hops bitterness. A very good porter, full-bodied and chewy. 4 out of 5

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Day 70-Beer 70 Native Lager, Native Brewing Co. , Melbourne Fla

Born and raised in the sunshine state, somewhere between the sun and the water, I quess that means in Melbourne. It was a typical lager although a little on the light side. It poured a crystal clear golden colour with only a small amount of head which quickly dissipated and left only a little lacing. It smells a little grainy with a hint of citrus. The taste is sweet malt with a little honey and citrus. No noticible hops biterness. Overall an okay light lager, clean, crisp and refreshing 3.4

Monday, March 10, 2014

Day 69-Beer 69 Schofferhofer Grapefruit Hefeweizen, Binding-Brauerei AG , Frankfurt am Main, Germany

This must be wheat beer week. Another hefeweizen. I really should of saved this one for breakfast on the golf course, it would have made a good way to start an early am game. It poured cloudy golden colour with just a hint of orange leaving a litttle sediment in the bottom of the bottle. It had very little head which dissapated quickly and left only a little lacing around the edge of the glass. It had adequate carbonation. The smell and taste were predominantly grapefruit as expected. It also had a hint of gingerale flavour and was more like a cooler than a beer. It had no hops bitterness but still had some nice tang to it from the grapefruit. Overall a nice refreshing beer that was a little too sweet for me but it would go down quickly on a real hot summer day. 3.5 out of 5

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Day 68-Beer 68 La Fin Du Monde, Unibroue, Chambly, Quebec

The End of the Earth, I don't think so but this one does have an interesting discription on the label, first of all it called the beer a triple golden ale on lees and then at the bottom it states it is bottled refermented ale brewed with spices. Well it poured a very hazy golden orange colour ( I guess from the bottle refermentation) with adequate white head. There was very little lacing left behind. The aroma consisited of the smell of yeast, bananna and citrus. The beer had a malt flavour with a hints of citrus some honey like sweetness and spices. Overall a very smooth ale considering the high alcohol content 9%. 3.8 out of 5

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Day 67-Beer 67 Helles Hefe Weizen, Brauerei Tucher Brau,Germany

Another Wheat Beer, me who shys away from such things. The Beer poured a typical cloudy gold color. It had adequate white head with decent retention and a good creaminess to it. The aroma was fruity, some banana with wheat and a touch of spice. The beer was mild tasting with hints of sweetness from wheat malts with a nice fresh dry crisp taste that made it quite drinkable. Pretty good for a wheat beer. 3.7 out of 5.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Day 66 - Beer 66 Blue Moon, Blue Moon Brewing Co., Golden, Co.

Once in a Blue Moon you have a half decent wheat ale. This was it. It poured a very cloudy light orange/amber colour. It produced adequate head that left some lacing. The smell was a sweet citrus aroma. The taste was also slightly sweet with a hint of orange citrus, well balnance with no hops bitterness. Overall its quite light tasting yet clean, crisp and refreshing, and I am not a wheat beer fan. 3.6 out of 5

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Day 65-Beer 65 Monty Python's Holy Grail, Black Sheep Brewery, Rochester, NY

First of all it's my daughter Kristal's birthday today. Happy Birthday Kristal. Before I drank from the holy grail I made some wishes for you and I hope they all come true. Love Dad. As for the Beer, which was tempered over burning witches, it poured a clear orange-amber hue with faint haze and good carbonation. It produces some creamy white head that disappated quickly leaving almost no lacing at all. The aroma was of fruity ale yeast, caramel malt, and fresh grass. The taste was made up of fruity and caramel malt with a dry finish. I did not live up to it's mname as the Holy Grail but it was ok, easy drinking but nothing special. 3.5 out of 5. 65 down only 300 to go

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Day 64-Beer 64 Scythe and Sickle Harvest Ale, Ommegang Brewery, Cooperstown, NY

Today Rochelle and I played pickleball at the Polk Senior Games. We got creamed by really good players that had a lot more experience and skill. Anyhow tonight's beer made up for it, another Ommegang Beer. It poured a a cloudy amber colour with lots of creamy head, good retention, lots of carbonation and nice lacing. The smell was sweet malt with a hint of hops. The flavour was very well balanced with nice toffee and roasted malts up front with just enoungh hops bitterness to make it a great beer. I'd really like another one of these tonight. 4.2 out of 5

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Day 63-Beer 63 Monte Carlo Lager Beer, Cerveceria Cento America, Guatemala City, Guatemala

Back in Guatemala for another try. This time a "Premium Lager". It poured a very clear golden colour. Not a lot of aroma, typical of a lighter lager. The taste was clean and crisp. A very refreshing beer comparable to many mass produced lagers. Not a bad beer but not a great beer either, it would be a nice drinking beer on a hot summer day. 3.4 out of 5

Monday, March 3, 2014

Day 62-Beer 62 Monte Carlo Bock, Cerveceria Cento America, Guatemala City, Guatemala

Off to Central America for a change of senery and Guatamala City. Monte Carlo Bock poured a dark brown/copper with good clarity and lots of amber coloured head that dissipated quickly. The aroma was that of fresh grass and some sweet malt.The flavour was chocolate, brown sugar flavour and a hit of nuts. A little too sweet but not a bad beer. 3.4 out of 5.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Day 61-Beer 61 Jai Alai India Pale Ale, Cigar City Brewing Co. ,Tampa, Fla

Had a pretty good day today, 80 degree weather. We visited the Blooming Arts Festival in Bartow and had lunch at a nice little restaurant, the Boars Head, and then off to the Polk County Senior Games to play euchre. I didn't do so well, the cards just wern't there but had a good time. At lunch I tried a new beer, Jai Alai IPA. It poured a hazy amber/copper colour with a lot of little floaties. It had a nice creamy white head which left very good sticky lacing. The aroma was that of citrus an pine hops as expected with an IPA. The flavour was orange/grapefruit and hops bitterness. The mouthfull start with nice strong bitterness but ended on an acidic note. Not the best IPA I have had but it was okay. Overall 3.4 out of 5.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Day 60 - Beer 60 Calico Amber Ale, Ballast Point Brewery Co. San Diego, California

After last night's disappointment I didn't know what to expect from an amber ale but I was pleasantly surprised.It poured an amber/copper colour with very good head and lots of sticky lacing. It had a citrus aroma with a hint of toffee/caramel in the background. As for the taste, nice malt flavours with lots of hops bitterness. This beer is however poorly named as an amber ale, it does not have the sweetness of an amber and it has far too many hops for its name. It is definitely more of an APA and is a very good one at that, this is one beer I'll certainly try again. 4.0 out of 5