Thursday, March 6, 2014

Day 65-Beer 65 Monty Python's Holy Grail, Black Sheep Brewery, Rochester, NY

First of all it's my daughter Kristal's birthday today. Happy Birthday Kristal. Before I drank from the holy grail I made some wishes for you and I hope they all come true. Love Dad. As for the Beer, which was tempered over burning witches, it poured a clear orange-amber hue with faint haze and good carbonation. It produces some creamy white head that disappated quickly leaving almost no lacing at all. The aroma was of fruity ale yeast, caramel malt, and fresh grass. The taste was made up of fruity and caramel malt with a dry finish. I did not live up to it's mname as the Holy Grail but it was ok, easy drinking but nothing special. 3.5 out of 5. 65 down only 300 to go

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