Monday, March 17, 2014

Day 75-Beer 75 Detour Double IPA, Uinta Brewing Co., Salt Lake City,Utah

The basic elements are EARTH WIND and BEER. By the way,I didn't get lost today, but I sure enjoyed my Detour to Utah. Uinta mapped out a very good brew. It poured a dark copper colour with really nice creamy off white head that left scads of nice sticky lacing. This beer had leggs so to speak. The aroma was citrus and toasted and caramel malts.The taste is strong with citruségrapefruit, hop bitters with a nice balance of caremel If I had to fault this beer it come from the sharp alcohol aftertaste from the 9.5 % ABV. With a little less alcohol this would be a fantastic brew, either way I buy this one again 4 out of

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