Friday, April 11, 2014

Day 101-Beer 101 Hopsecutioner India Pale Ale, Terrapin Beer Co. Athens Georgia

100 bottles of beer on the wall, and none of them will fall. Number 100 is an IPA from Georgia "Terapin hath recruited ye olde HOPSECUTIONER to execute the exact hop profilefor this KILLER ALE. YOU MAY LOSE YOUR HEAD OVER THIS ONE" It poured a golden copper colour with lots of head, good carbonation and lots of lacing that stuck to the sides of the glass. The aroma is sweet malt and citrus. The flavour was not a bitter or hoppy as I expected from the name but it was rather well balanced with hop bitterness and sweet malts that lingerin your mouth. A very drinkable IPA that is clean crisp and somewhat light in spite of it's 7.35 alchohol. A very good beer 4 out of 5. 100 down the hatch and 265 to go.

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