Monday, April 28, 2014

Day 118-Beer 118 Panic Attack, Holy Mackeral Brewing, Ft Lauderdale, florida

I might have a panic attack after this one, two not so good beers in a row, last night's was a bust and this one isn't much better. The label stated a Belgian style beer, well I have never had a beer from Belgium that tasted like this one. The only thing good is the 10% ABV so I guess if you put away a 6 pack they might taste a lot better. It poured a hazy dark amber/copper colour ( I guess the hazy colour makes it like a Belgium Beer?) with a 1/2 inch of bubbly head that dissipated quickly and left a little lacing across the surface. The aroma was somewhat mixed with hints of sweet syrup, yeast, alcohol up front and something sour in the background. The taste was more like a malt liquor, lots of sweet malt, orange and caramel and alcohol. Not the greatest beer to drink quite syrupy and not a lot of carbonation. 2.9 out of 5

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