Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Day 91-Beer 91 Dirt Wolf Double IPA, Victory Brewing Co. Downingtown PA

The end on our winter sojourn is nearing an end and soon we will be back home in Canada but for now it's 80degree weather and golf, oh well somebody has to do it. today's brew is a double IPA with 8.7% alcohol. It poured a hazy golden colour, maybe thats where the dirt comes in, with some white head that left a little bit of lacing. The smell was very floral with some citrus background. The taste is hard to describe, there is a definite hops bitterness but there is something very sweet ,tangerine like,that hits you first then a punch of lemon or grapefuit peel or maybe a grapefruit thats not quite ripe. Overall not bad except the strange after taste and it may be just the high alcohol content. 3.6 out of 5

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