Saturday, May 31, 2014

Day 151-Beer 151 Baldwin Fish Eye P.A. , Kensington Brewing Co. Guelph Ontario

Eye P.A. , no fish were harmed or caught in the process of making this beer, but it might make a lousy day of fishing seem a lot better. It poured a hazy copper colour with only a small one finger head. It did stick around for a while and when it faded it  left just a thin film across the surface that stuck nicely to the sides of the glass as you drank this brew.  It did not have a very strong aroma but there were hints of caramel malts, grapefruit, pine and hops. The taste was a lot more pronounced, sweet caramel and pale malts up front and a nice grapefruit and pine finish from the hops. A very nice IPA at 6.5% ABV that goes down with a creamy feel and a dry hoppy finish. 3.9 out of 5, If you like IPA you will end up buying more than one of this brew.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Day 150, May30- Beer 150 Beaver RiverI.P.Eh?, Beau's All Natural Brewing Co. Van Kleek Hill Ontario

#150 and counting, almost half way. What is I.P.Eh?  it took me a while but it finally clicked in a Canadian IPA and as we say in Canada, Eh?  It poured a hazy amber copper colour with lots of off white head that stayed forever, The flavour was mix of herbal and earthy hops with a grapefruit background and hints of caramel malts. What was different was that the bitterness did not linger as with most strong IPA's. Over all a very good brew , crisp, dry finish with nice hop bitterness, 3.9 out of 5

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Day 149-Beer 149 Great Lakes Golden Horseshoe, Great Lakes Brewery, Etobicoke Ontario

Out for a night with the boys, had some golden horseshoe on tap. It arrived in a pitcher  a nice golden color with a big head made by little bubbles. In the glass the head was adequate but left very little lacing.  The aroma is malty  with hints of grain and a faint hint of hops. The taste is that of most lagers, mild malts, hints of hops and cereal grains, but nothing outstanding.  It is a nice smooth and refreshing beer that one can easily drink for the evening as we did.  It is the cheapest beer on tap at the pub that we were at, a definite plus for this one and it is better than most of the lagers from the big Canadian breweries.  3.5 out of 5

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Day 148-Beer 148 Innis and Gunn Oak Aged Beer, Innis and Gunn, Scotland

Tonight's brew poured an amber/cooper colour with an off white head. The aroma was toffee, vanilla and bread yeast. The taste is quite sweet with hints of  toffee malt, vanilla, fruity hops and a brandy-like note towards the end. I guess the brandy flavour comes from the oak aging. It finishes clean and dry with just a hint of hops. 3.4 out of 5

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Day 147-Beer 147 Hogsback Vintage Lager, Hogsback Brewing Co. Ottawa Ontario

Only in Canada, what a pity, or maybe not. This beer poured a golden yellow with fairly decent head that unfortunately dissipated way to quickly. It left just a hint of lacing around the edge of the glass. The smell was sweet, fresh grass and hints of hops. The taste was no better than your average big brewer lager, slightly sweet, light malts flavours and almost no hop bitterness. Its not a must when visiting  Ottawa, there are better brews from the area. An okay middle of the road lager. 3.2 out of 5

Monday, May 26, 2014

Day 146-Beer 146 Well's IPA, Wells and Young's Ltd,Bedford, England

Of to England home of the original IPA. I expected a lot more from this brew from England. It poured a dark copper colour with nice head that left some lacing behind. The smell was odd, kind of sour, not sure what it was but there was hints of sweet malts behind the initial scent. The taste was okay, some nice malt flavours but the disappointment was in the hops, you could barley taste them something I did not expect from a British IPA. I was more of a north American ale with a bit of hops added and I mean bit. It was clean and crisp with a nice dry finish 3.4 out of 5 a drinkable brew but nothing special.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Day 145- beer 145 English Bay Pale Ale, Granville Island Brewing Co. , Vancover British Columbia

Another nice day and two in a row without rain, wow. Tonight's brew is another from Granville Island, it poured copper colour with lots of off white head that left lots of sticky lacing. The aroma had hints of malt and caramel but nothing outstanding. The flavour much the same nothing outstanding, a typical darker ale with some sweetness up front, no real hop bitterness, nothing out of the norm. An okay ale that is quite drinkable but nothing special 3.3 out of 5.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Day 144- Beer 144 Matt's Sleepy Time Stout, Beau's All Natural Brewing Co., Vankleek Hill, Ontario

A nice sunny day, first in a while and I managed to get some work done outside, so what better than a brew named sleepy time. It is a Belgian Style Imperial Stout from the wild oats series no. 1. It poured a very dark brown, almost black with a large tan head on top. Great retention and nice sticky lace. The aroma was dark chocolate, roasted malts and coffee. The flavour was dark chocolate, hints of vanilla, espresso and just a touch of oak. A slightly bitter finish from the hops. This is very well balanced and a great stout. Think a dash for the marinade and the rest for the cook, you won't want to waste this one. 4 out of 5

Friday, May 23, 2014

Day 143-Beer 143 The Celt Experience, Silures Crated Ale, Celt Experience Brewery, Caerphilly, Wales, UK

Another day and more rain, I think I am living in England in the spring. This is one of the wettest Mays I remember so off to Wales for a pick me up. Silures pours a slightly hazy golden colour with lots of head that lasts along time and sticks to the sides of the glass as you drink this brew. The aroma as the label states is hops, pine and tropical fruit. The taste is sweet malt up front with lots of bitter hops and grapefruit. A very good, crisp golden pale ale, 3.8 out of 5

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Day 142-Beer 142 Steam Whistle Lager, Steam Whistle Brewing, Toronto Ontario

What promised to be a great day on the golf course turned out to be one bad day, couldn't hit the ball at all, I wish I had an excuse but the back was feeling good so no excuses just a rotten golfer today. Afterward had some steam whistle on tap, at least it helped a little. It was a clear golden colour with some but not a lot of head. There really wasn't much of an aroma, it was clean and crisp with hints of sweet malts and fresh grass. The flavour was typical pilsner with a hint of hops bitterness with a dry finish and not much else. It was much like many of your mass produced beers from the big companies, a very drinkable good ( average) brew but nothing that sets it aside from the norm. 3.3 out of 5.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Day 141- beer141Dogstalker Bock, Grand River Brewery, Cambridge Ont.

Wow what a day, we have had so much rain that the local golf courses have had to close due to flooding and now tonight the most hail I have ever seen come down at one time. When will summer arrive? Tonight's brew poured a very hazy amber orange colour. It produce some head that dissipated quickly and left no lacing at all. The aroma was sweet barley malts, honey and some light spices. The taste was a bit sweet but nothing special. Overall it was a little flat, it could have used some more carbonation and a little more body and maybe some stronger hops to spice it up. 3 out of 5.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Day 140-Beer 140 Palma Louca, Cervejaria Kaiser ,Jacarei - SP, Brazil

Off to South America for this one but it probably isn't worth the trip. Palma Louca is a German style pilsner that poured a clear golden colour with almost no head and no lacing at all. It did have a few carbonation bubbles and not much else. The smell was a little off with a hint of skunk other than that not much else. The flavour was more like a light beer than a nice German pils. Hints of sweet malt and grains but nothing outstanding. 3.2 out of 5

Monday, May 19, 2014

Day 139-Beer 139 Russian Gun Imperial Stout, Grand River Brewing, Cambridge Ontario

Tonight's brew poured a dark brown colour with lots of tan coloured head that took along time to dissipate. The aroma was roasted coffee, vanilla, dark chocolate. Flavors are bitter hops forward, with coffee and dark chocolate molasses and a sweet dry finish. Lots of alcohol warming with this one 8.5%ABV. 3.7 out of 5. A good one for marinating.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Day 138-Beer 138 Smoked Oatmeal Stout, Trafalgar Ales and Meads, Oakville, Ont

They called this one a stout and although it is almost black in colour it was far to carbonated and to light and watery to be a true stout, they would have been better to call this one a smoked ale. It did pour almost black in colour with lots of tan coloured head, but it was not creamy but rather a bubbly carbonation head. It dissipated quickly to just a ring of carbonation bubbles around the edge of the glass. The aroma had hints of caramel malt sand coffee and not much else, no real hint of smoke. The taste is a little watery with chocolate, coffee and a barely detectable hint of smoke and some slight hops bitterness. Overall not a bad ale but not a good stout, 3.2 out of 5

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Day 137-Beer 137 Alexander Keith's Cascade Hop Ale, Alexander Keith's Brewery, Halifax, Nova Scotia

Another one of the Keith's hop series. It poured a golden amber colour with some nice bubbly head that left a scattering of lacing. The brew had a slight citrus hops aroma with hints of sweet caramel malts. The taste was light with just a touch of hop bitterness with toasted malts and caramel. Overall more like a standard ale with a touch of extra hops but no where near an IPA. 3.3 out of 5

Friday, May 16, 2014

Day 136-Beer 136 Nøgne Ø - Det Kompromissløse Bryggeri , Norway

The picture on the label show a person bundled up for winter with sun blindness glasses on, I guess that why this brew is 11% ABV to keep you warm. It pored a dark brown colour almost syrup like in nature with nice creamy tan head that lasted a long time and sticks to the sides of the glass as you drink it. The smell was smokey malts with hints of sweet caramel and brown sugar. The taste was much stronger than the smell, The taste is very sweet, molasses, burnt sugars with a very smokey aftertaste. The feel was very syrupy, and the sugar content was way to high, not my cup of sugar or tea. 3.2 out of 5.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Day 135-Beer 135 Rye Bock, Cameron's Brewing Co. , Oakville Ontario

Tonight's brew poured a golden amber colour with an off white head that dissipated quickly leaving only a small amount of lacing and some rising carbonation bubbles. The aroma was very mild for a bock with just a hint of malt and spices. The taste was rye, some sweet caramel malts and a little hop bitterness in the finish. An okay beer but nothing special, more like a regular amber ale than anything. 3.4 out of 5

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Day 134-Beer 134 Halcyon, Thornbridge Brewery, Bakewell United Kingdom

Tonight's brew poured a hazy honey/golden colour with nice white head with lots of carbonation bubblesand a spotting of lacing. It's aroma was citrus, tropical fruit and hops. The flavour was sweet malts up front with hints of pineapple followed by nice citrus hops with a dry finish and little after bitterness. 3.8 out of 5.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Day 133-Beer 133 Alexander Keith's Galaxy Hop Ale, Alexander Keith's Brewery, Halifax, Nova Scotia

this is one of Alexander's Hop Series. It pour a golden amber colour with good head that left only spotty surface covering. The aroma was malt, from the Australian hop and a hint of citrus background. the taste was caramel malts with a touch of tropical fruit and just enough citrus hop bitterness that kept it from being just another ale. A pretty good attempt at a craft beer style from a big brewer 3.7 out of 5.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Day 132-Beer 132 Hops and Bolts, Mad and Noisy Brewing Co. Creemore Ontario.

An interesting fact the Mad and the Noisy Rivers collide just outside the town of Creemore, hence its name. It is somewhat of a subsidiary of Creemore Springs Brewery. Anyhow this brew is "not for the faint of hops". It is unusual in that it is an India Pale Lager rather than the tradition English style IPA. It poured a slightly hazy amber/copper colour with lots of creamy of white head that left a thin film across the surface as it dissipated and it stuck nicely to the sides of the glass. The aroma was sweet malts, floral hops and citrus, grapefruit, but not as strong on the hop aroma as many IPA's. It is a very interesting IP Lager and as the label suggests is has nice bitter hop flavours with a hint of very dark chocolate, sweet caramel with a grapefruit background. Overall a medium bodied lager with nice hop bitterness, well balanced and very enjoyable to drink. This one gets an excellent rating 3.9 out of 4

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Day 131-Beer 131 Karlovacko, Karlovacko Pivovara,Karlovac, Croatia

Any beer named after a Carl even if it's spelt with a K should be good. This beer is a Czech style pilsner. It poured a clear golden colour with just a little head that dissipated quickly and left no lacing but it did have a nice continuous flow of carbonation bubbles. The aroma was sweet barley malts and grain. The taste was is typical lager sweet malt with hints of grassy hops. Overall it was fairly light, crisp, clean, refreshing, and dry. A very good beer for its type 3.7 out of 5

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Day 130-Beer 130 Mad Tom IP, Muskoka Brewery, Bracebridge, Ontario

Tonight's brew was inspired by the campfire stories of mad tom and as such it should grab your attention. It poured a hazy copper/amber colour. It produce a little head that left some lacing across the surface and around the edge. It aroma was spice and citrus. The flavour was grapefruit, pine and hop bitterness with a background of caramel malt. Nice lingering hop bitterness with a touch of sweetness. Overall a good IPA 3.7 out of 5

Friday, May 9, 2014

Day 129-Beer 129 Robson Street Hefeweizen, Granville Island Brewing Co., Vancouver British Columbia

If you have to add fruit to it to make it taste good...... tonight's beer is a hefeweizen that right on the can it states that a lemon wedge would be the perfect accessory? It poured a hazy golden amber colour with only a little head that dissipated quickly and left only a spattering of cover. The aroma was tangerine, banana, wheat. The flavour was banana, a hint of spice and tangerine. The beer was far to watery to be a good hefe. 3.1 out of 5

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Day 128-Beer 128 Honey IPA, Trafalgar Ales and \meads, Oakville Ontario

Another local beer, this one from Oakville. It poured a hazy copper/amber colour with only a little off white head that settled to just a thin foam layer. The aroma was honey, malts and just a hint of spicy hops. The flavour was sweet up front, honey and roasted malts with some hop bitterness on the finish. Not as much as expected for an IPA. The overall feeling was it was a little watery and flat and not enough hop bang for the style. It would better be described as a honey ale with a touch of hops. 3.3 out of 5

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Day 127-Beer 127 Faxe Extra Strong, Royal Unibrew, Denmark

Off to Denmark for an extra strong beer 10%abv, it poured a clear dark golden colour with very little head that dissipated quickly and left no lacing at all. The smell was malt, corn and alcohol. The flavour had a slight sweetness and syrupy texture to it with only a hint of hops. Not the best Danish beer I have had 3.3 out of 5

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Day 126-Beer 126 Hops and Robbers, Double Trouble Brewing Co. Guelph Ontario.

Another close to home brew. Hops and Robbers is an IPA with 5.7%ABV. It poured a clear golden amber colour with an off white head that left behind some lacing across the surface. The aroma was lemon, citrus with a hint of sweet caramel malts. The flavour was citrus and hops up front with some sweetness in the background and a dry hop finish that was not overly bitter. Overall a good IPA 3.7 out of 5

Monday, May 5, 2014

Day 125-Beer 125 Cobblestone Stout, Mill St. Brewery, Toronto Ontario

Down the QEW to Toronto for this one. A typical stout draught it poured almost black with a thin creamy tan head that covered the surface and stuck to the sides of the glass. The aroma was chocolate and dark roasted malts with a hint of smoke. The flavour was a combination of roasted coffee, milk and dark chocolate and some caramel. Overall it had a nice creamy texture but was a little on the light side for a stout but it does finish nicely with just a hint of bitterness. A good but not outstanding stout that is very drinkable, 3.7 out of 5.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Day 124-Beer 124 Hockley Dark, Hockley Valley Brewing Co. Orangeville Ontario

Hockley dark is a traditional English ale, but brewed in Canada. It poured a dark brown with a hint of copper. It produced only a small off white creamy head that left a thin covering of foam and lacing across the surface. The aroma is chocolate and roasted malts. The taste was much the same chocolate and roasted malts with just a hint of hops in the background. It has a nice creamy texture almost porter like. Well balance and easy drinking 3.8 out of 5. Only in Canada, eh, what a pity.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Day 123-Beer 123 Warka Strong, Warka Brewery, Warka Poland

Off to Europe for a strong lager, 6.5%ABV It poured a clear dark honey colour with okay head that dissipated quickly and left only a spattering of lacing. The aroma was sweet caramel malt with a background of fruit and coffee. The taste is quite sweet up front with a syrupy feel. Overall not a bad euro lager but not the best I have had 3.4 out of 5

Friday, May 2, 2014

Day 122-Beer 122 Nickel Brook Headstock, Beeter Bitters Brewing Co., Burlington Ontario

"A penny for your thoughts and a NICKEL for your thirst" This one is made close to home, a short ride down the highway. At 7% this is a strong IPA. It poured a slightly hazy golden orange colour with lots of head that left a nice covering across the top and that stuck to the sides of the glass as you drank this beer. The smell was citrus (grapefruit), pine, spicy hops and hints of sweetness almost honey like. The taste is sweet malts (caramel) and grapefruit that finishes with a nice hop bitterness that is not overwhelming. It has a nice creamy feel to it as you drink it and a very nice dry finish. Overall a very nice refreshing IPA, 4 out of 5

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Day 121-Beer 121 Efes Pislner, Efes Brewery, Istanbul Turkey

Over the last couple of nights there has been Bear, Moose and tonight its Turkey. The beer poured a clear golden colour with adequate head that dissipated quickly and left some lacing. The aroma was fresh grass and malt. The taste was clean crisp with hints of caramel malts and lemon. A really nice pilsner that would go great on a hot summer day, I sure I'll have a few more of these. 3.8 out of 5