Friday, May 16, 2014

Day 136-Beer 136 Nøgne Ø - Det Kompromissløse Bryggeri , Norway

The picture on the label show a person bundled up for winter with sun blindness glasses on, I guess that why this brew is 11% ABV to keep you warm. It pored a dark brown colour almost syrup like in nature with nice creamy tan head that lasted a long time and sticks to the sides of the glass as you drink it. The smell was smokey malts with hints of sweet caramel and brown sugar. The taste was much stronger than the smell, The taste is very sweet, molasses, burnt sugars with a very smokey aftertaste. The feel was very syrupy, and the sugar content was way to high, not my cup of sugar or tea. 3.2 out of 5.

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