Thursday, May 22, 2014

Day 142-Beer 142 Steam Whistle Lager, Steam Whistle Brewing, Toronto Ontario

What promised to be a great day on the golf course turned out to be one bad day, couldn't hit the ball at all, I wish I had an excuse but the back was feeling good so no excuses just a rotten golfer today. Afterward had some steam whistle on tap, at least it helped a little. It was a clear golden colour with some but not a lot of head. There really wasn't much of an aroma, it was clean and crisp with hints of sweet malts and fresh grass. The flavour was typical pilsner with a hint of hops bitterness with a dry finish and not much else. It was much like many of your mass produced beers from the big companies, a very drinkable good ( average) brew but nothing that sets it aside from the norm. 3.3 out of 5.

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