Sunday, May 18, 2014

Day 138-Beer 138 Smoked Oatmeal Stout, Trafalgar Ales and Meads, Oakville, Ont

They called this one a stout and although it is almost black in colour it was far to carbonated and to light and watery to be a true stout, they would have been better to call this one a smoked ale. It did pour almost black in colour with lots of tan coloured head, but it was not creamy but rather a bubbly carbonation head. It dissipated quickly to just a ring of carbonation bubbles around the edge of the glass. The aroma had hints of caramel malt sand coffee and not much else, no real hint of smoke. The taste is a little watery with chocolate, coffee and a barely detectable hint of smoke and some slight hops bitterness. Overall not a bad ale but not a good stout, 3.2 out of 5

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