Monday, September 1, 2014

Day 243-Beer 243 Palomar Ale, Mill St Brewery Toronto Ontario

If you have to add fruit to a beer to make it taste good.... Well this one is brewed with chipotle and lime, right of the bat I like the idea of chipotle but lime, I just don't know but we will see shortly. Well a least it listed as a chili beer and not a fruit beer. It poured a hazy orange/copper colour with very little head and not much for lacing either. The aroma was caramel malt with a smokey background, I couldn't really detect the lime (this is a good thing). The taste is a sweet background with maybe a hint of lime and lots of chipotle chilli pepper leaving a nice slow after burn, but not overbearing. Overall not a bad beer but I probably won't go searching out another. 3.3 out of 5

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