Sunday, September 14, 2014

Day 256-Beer 256 Chimay Première (Red) - Bières de Chimay ,Baileux (Chimay), Belgium

Tonight's brew is a Belgium Dubbel, Dubbels are rich malty beers with some spicy characteristics. Generally they have dark fruit aromas and flavors with a mild hop presence.
This beer has a Trappist logo certifying that is was brewed within the walls of a Trappist  Monastery and under the control of  the Trappist Community. " The exceptional yeast isolated by Father Theodore combined with the purity of the highly protected water of the abbey's wells give Chimay its unique richness. Since 1862 Chimay's secondary fermented ales have neither been pasteurized or filtered and only natural ingredients are used."
Its definitely and unfiltered beer as it poured a very murky dark amber colour with lots of head that when settled left virtually no lacing. The aroma is bready yeast, caramel, dark fruits and some spices (maybe pepper and cloves). The taste has hints of caramel, toffee, pepper, dark fruits(plum) honey up front with a hint of cloves and some grassy hops that produce just a touch of bitterness. Even though it is a strong ale at 7%ABV there is no real tastes of alcohol. 3.7 out of 5

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