Saturday, September 13, 2014

Day 255-Beer 255 1812, Butler's Bitter, Niagara College, Niagara on the Lake, Ontario

Thanks Pat for another brew to try, this one from Niagara College. It runs a college program in beer making, just wish I was a little younger when they started this course. As the name states it is an English Bitter.   The English  meaning of bitter is pale ale. They are the typical casked beer on tap in an English Pub, usually poured at cellar temperature and had alcohol contents between 4 and 5%. They are usually gold to copper in colour and are light bodied with low carbonation. Hop bitterness is generally very moderate and most have a fruitiness in the aroma and flavor.
This one poured an amber/copper colour with good soapy head that settled to leave some nice lacing across the entire surface. Not much in the way of aroma with just a hint of sweetness and bready yeasts. The taste is made up of a sweet fruity and caramel flavours with some subtle hops that have earthy tones. A nice dry finish with no lingering bitterness. A good beer for its style, 3.6 out of 5.

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