Friday, September 26, 2014

Day 268-Beer 268 The Bold Belgian Pale Ale, Dead Frog Brewery, Aldergrove British Columbia

Tonight's Brew is a Belgian Pale Ale. This style of brew generally uses aged hops to produce a pale ale that is less bitter than other pale ale styles. The usualy have a sweet and toasted malt backbone. Don't make the mistake I made and pour it properly as they tend to have a lot of yeast sediment on the bottom.
This one poured a very murky amber/copper colour with lots of floaties, my mistake, lots of cream tan head that left nice thick sticky lacing.  The aroma is surprisingly hoppy with lots of citrus and a sweet fruity background. Not what I expected from the style. The taste also quite hoppy with lots of grapefruit more like an APA, but a very malty background not overly sweet with hints of bread yeasts as well. Overall a pretty good brew but after reading up on its style  I think they over hopped the beer but still I rather enjoyed it. 3.7 out of 5.

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