Thursday, September 18, 2014

Day 260-Beer 260 Arkell Best Bitter, Wellington Brewery, Guelph Ontario

 Another tough day, had to golf again, I was having a great game until the eighteenth where I quadruple bogied but I still broke 90, go figure. If you are ever in Guelph stop at the Fat Duck for a great spicy curry wrap and lots of beers on tap. We tried the Arkell Best Bitter. It poured an amber/copper colour with very little head that disappeared quickly leaving no lacing at all. The aroma was caramel and toasted malts and not much else. The taste although not overly sweet was malty up front, mainly caramel and just a faint hint of grassy hops with not bitterness. Overall an okay beer that was quite drinkable after a game of golf 3.5 out of 5

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