Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Day 244-Beer 244 Elsinore, Phillips Brewing Co. Victoria British Columbia

Tonight's brew is a Czech Pislner. Others of this type include Pilsner Urquell, Red hook Pilsner, King Pils (June 9,3.9/5)  Karlavacko (May 11, 3.7/5)It poured a slightly hazy golden colour which cleared quite quickly. It has some nice white head that left nice sticky lacing.  The aroma was typical pils, grassy and floral hops and a hint of sweet malts. The taste also very typical but with slightly more floral hops. Overall a good pils but not outstanding 3.5 out of 5

Taste - Similar to the nose but with a very green tea / tea like aspect on the conclusion that is unusual. Grassier and more floral tasting than many other pilsners. For this it is more flavorful, but not quite as crisp and as clean as other sin the style.

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