Saturday, September 20, 2014

Day 262-Beer 262 Isbjorn Lys Pilsner, Mack Norway

 Norway beer #2
 Mack Isbjørn  is a pilsner from the northernmost brewery in Norway. The Polar Bear is the symbol of freshness in Norway and they feel its freshness is from the water that they use. It poured a clear golden yellow with some frothy head that dissipated quickly leaving only a little lacing . The aroma has a slight fruity hint to it with a caramel malt background. The taste is somewhat sweet up front with a quick hit of pepper and some grassy hops with no aftertaste or bitterness. A good pilsner, very drinkable with a nice dry finish but only slightly better than last night's brew from Norway 3.5 out of 6.

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