Monday, February 10, 2014

Day 41-Beer 41 He'Brew Genesis Dry Hopped Session Ale, Smaltz Brewing Co., Clifton Park NY

Had to endure a beautiful day today in the high 70's and a golf game in the high 80's so overall a good day. Tonight's beer is " a gourmet Kosher Micro Brew" ... " with the chutzpah to keep calling itself the chosen beer" I guess it could be because I did chose it from a shelf with a lot of other beers?? It poured a slightly hazy amber/copper colour with ample cream coloured head a nice lacing. Smells of malts and citrus. Very easy to drink with some hints of caramel from the malts and only touch of hop spice/bitterness. I would have expected a little more up front hops, but then again that might not be kosher,in this ale but overall pretty good 3.8 out of 5.

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