Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Day 49-Beer 49 Messiah Nut Brown Ale, Shmaltz Brewing Co., Clifton Park New York

Norm and Pat headed back to Canada today, I guess they miss the cold and the snow as they said they found it very hot yesterday as the temperature got up to 80, to me it was pretty nice. Took them to an outback, hillbilly restaurant yesterday called Cherry Pockets. Good food and 2 for 1 Beer, life is great. As for today's beer no I haven't gone religious, but it is my second "HeBrew Ale" the last was Genesis, this one Messiah Nut Brown. It pours a dark walnut colour with a reddish tint, with nice cream coloured head and lots of sticky lacing. The label lists an interesting list of malt that includes a chocolate malt. As expected with a nut brown ale, there is a sweet nutty aroma with the addition of the smell of dark chocolate. The taste is also very malty with a nice nut flavour as well a lots of chocolate malt flavour tantalizing the taste buds. It's a very good nut brown ale, I'd give it a 3.8 out of 5

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