Monday, February 24, 2014

Day 55-Beer 55 Kaiserdom Pilsener, Kaiserdom Brewery, Bamberg Germany

Off to Bok Tower today with Pam, Malcolm and Rochelle. Bok Tower Gardens in Lake Wales is a national historic landmark and is located on one of the highest points in all of Florida at 295 ft above sea level. Apparently they have discovered a point near Claremont that is higher as 303 ft above sea level. It made for a very interesting walk through the gardens and to the carillon tower. Todays brew Kaiserdom Pilsener was not named after my good friends the Kaysers. The brewery was established in 1718, that's even older than most of the golfers here at ILE, but not by much. Sorry Joe, Bob and others. Malcolm's first comments were the beer would be great on a warm day. It's light and refreshing and he would definitely try another. It poured a slightly cloudy golden colour. It produced okay head which dissipated quickly leaving just a little head. Malcolm also said that although it lost its head quickly its not a flat tasting beer. It tasted like a typical pilsener from Germany. Light citrus flavours , a touch of bitterness from the hops , smooth on the palate. Overall a good beer 3.8 out of 5

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