Sunday, February 23, 2014

Day 54-Beer 54 Dunkles Hefe Weizen,Tucher, Aus Bayern, Germany

Malcolm and Pam arrived today to stay for a few days between cruises. They stopped and bought me a couple of beers for me to try my blog. So a few card games and a few warm-up beers and here goes. Malcolm also helped me sample tonight's beer, Dunkles (which means dark) Hefe Weizen (wheat beer). It lived up to its name as far as appearance goes, it was dunkles, dark reddish brown, and quite cloudy, as most wheat beers are from the yeast, with a good off white head , nice retention and good sticky lacing. It had a fruity, citrus and banana smell with a hint of a spice which I couldn't put my finger on so I checked what others thought and some hit it on the nose so to speak, it has a hint of cloves.It's taste included a hints of caramel, banana and cloves. Overall not very good even for a wheat beer which I already am not overly partial to. Malcolm also gave it a thumbs down and dumped most of his down the drain. I'd give it a 3.2 out of 5. If you like wheat beer there are much better ones to try, even Krystal Wiezen made by the same company although not great is much better.

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