Friday, February 28, 2014

Day 59-Beer 59 Sawtooth Nitro All-American Ale, Left Hand Brewing Co. Longmont Co.

Another Left Hand Brewing Co. Beer, but this one was a disappointment. The Label states brewed on the banks of the mighty St. Vrain, Super smooth nutty malt flavours balanced by herbal hops. Well I don't know if I just got a bad bottle but none of the above seemed to be true. It poured a cloudy amber/copper colour with very little of white head. The aroma was somewhat sour with a hint of hops. It was very flat tasting with no real hops or malt flavours that stood out. Although the beer itself is almost tasteless it did have a slightly sour aftertaste as well. It is certainly the first really bad Left Hand Brewing Co. Beer that I have had, in fact only the second beer in my sojourn so far that I have dumped have of it down the sink. 2.9 out of 5

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