Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Day 57-Beer 57 New Dog Town Pale Ale, Lagunitas Brewing Co., Petaluma, California

Tried my luck today playing cribbage at the Polk County Senior Games. There were some 200 or so contestants ranging in age from 96 years young to 60. Prizes were awarded for each age group, needless to say I didn't make the cut to win a medal but we play euchre on Sunday, maybe the luck will run better. Tonight's beer was New Dog town Pale Ale an APA with 6.2%alcohol. It poured a slightly cloudy golden orange colour with good fluffy white off white head that retains very well and leaves a lot of sticky lacing on the side of the glass. The aroma is made of spicy hops with a citrus background and a hint of caramel from the malts. the taste is very hoppy with some sweetness upfront and strong grapefruit aftertaste. Overall very drinkable, a nice APA, crisp, refreshing with nice hop bitterness balanced with just enough malt sweetness. 3.8 out of 5

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