Sunday, February 16, 2014

Day 47 - Beer 47 Devil's Britches India Pale Ale, Highland Brewing Co. ,Ashville N.C.

Happy Birthday Doug, 78 years and very young. Great day today sort of. It started with a good game of golf with my friends Pat, Norm and Tom. Shot a pretty good score but Tom beat me by two strokes. The a boat ride, the battery was dead, got it going but had fuel problems, got it going and had a good ride but only spotted a couple of gators. Then off to the lounge for supper and back home, well almost, ran out of gas, had to walk home, then go and get gas, the first gas station is closed so and extra 10 miles to the next station so finally way too late we arrive at Doug's to celebrate his birthday. The truly great people they are( especially Judy) invite us in to have a few to celebrate Doug's birthday. Happy Birthday and many more. Well tonight's brew Devils Britches apparently was named after the Devil's Britches Trail in the Smoky Mountains because of its red colour. It pours a dark reddish copper colour with little head but very good sticky lacing. Aroma is floral, some light tropical fruit, pine hints. Overall its not bad but not very strong hop aroma. Hops are on a biscuit malt base. Not a bad smelling beer just not as hop forward as an IPA should be. Not much aroma but a hint of orange citrus and fresh grasses. The taste is better then the nose at least as far as hops go. Nice hoppy bitterness with a little sweetness from the malts. It is well balanced with a nice finish. Overall not bad but not great as far as IPA's go, but it is a drinkable IPA, 3.7 out of 5.

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