Sunday, November 2, 2014

Day 305-Beer305 Dark Helmut, Beau's All Natural Brewing Co. Vankleek Hill Ontario

This one is an Imperious Schwarzbier, I am not sure what the imperious means in terms of the brew but Schwarzbier in German means simply means black beer and this one is just that as it pours black in colour with tons of tan coloured head that lasts a long time but eventually settles to leaving some very sticky froth.   Aroma of chocolate and dark roasted coffee and roasted malts prevail. The taste is more like dark bakers chocolate and toffee with a hint of a creamy sweetness that settles on your palate with just a touch of bitterness in the background and a nice dry finish. Its 7.3%ABV but it is not noticeable in the taste. Overall a very good brew that goes does well and would make a great addition to your best gravy recipes. 3.7 out of 5

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