Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Day 315-Beer 315 Aergir India Pale Ale, Aegir Bryggeri, Flam, Norway

Well there is only 50 bottles of beer on the wall and if one of those beer should happen to be..... This one is also by Aergir but unlike the one a few days ago it is not peated. The colour is almost the same, a muddy amber orange with off white head that leaves a nice layer of very sticky lacing. The aroma is grapefruit and pine resin with a hint of caramel malts. The flavour starts with a creamy texture and a sweet caramel and some tropical fruit base with a nice hop mainly citrus background. A definite grapefruit aftertaste. A very good APA, not an IPA, and I think slightly better than the smoked version 3.7 out of  5. Thanks Kristal for another brew.

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