Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Day 322-Beer 322 St Ambroise Oatmeal Stout, Brasserie McAuslan, Montreal Quebec

Stopped at the LCBO at Rymal Road today, they must have 25 new beers on the shelf that were not there on my last visit a couple of week ago, this journey could go on for a long time. Tonight's brew poured almost black with one finger of cream tan head that left some spotty and very sticky lacing. the aroma has lots of caramel, roasted malts and espresso with a hint of chocolate and vanilla. The flavour is very malty up front
with hints of bitter chocolate and some peppery spice.  A good stout that one could share with there best beer recipes, 3/4 for me 1/4 for the recipe or better yet open a couple of them. 3.8 out of 5

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