Thursday, November 13, 2014

Day 316-Beer 316 Great White Hype, CAP Curious Audacious Products, Stockholm Sweden

A not so good night at the poker table so here's hoping the brew makes the evening. The label again says IPA but the brewers list is as an APA, . which should mean a little more hop bitterness and some higher alcohol content and add to the mix it is also a hefewiezen or unfiltered wheat beer. This should be interesting.  Well it is 5.6%ABV so that fits. It poured a cloudy golden yellow with lots of white head that takes a long time to settle. That fits a hefe. The aroma has hints of yeast, floral hops, lemon and citrus and some malt. The flavour has a sweet background with some spices, cloves and coriander, pepper and some citrus like hop bitterness and orange zest. Its hard to rate this one as the style is very mixed, somebody's idea of creating a new style of craft beer 3.6 out of 5

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