Thursday, November 20, 2014

Day 323-Beer 323 Houblon Chouffe Dobbelen IPA Tripel, Brasserie D'Achouffe, Achouffe Belgium

This brew is listed as a Belgium IPA. This is a relatively new style that Belgium Brewers have developed to compete with APA's in the export market as Belgium's do not drink very much of the hoppy style of beers.  It is seemingly a take off of American IPA's and Double IPA's. They tend to be very hoppy pale coloured ales that range in the 6 to 12%ABV range. They are usually bottle conditioned with Belgian yeast strains. Although they use American hops they tend to be dryer and as is the case with tonight's brew crossed with a Belgian Trippel. The brews are usually quite cloudy with long lasting  billowy heads that give way to lots of sticky lacing.

So here goes, the bottle exploded with a bubbly head as I opened it. It had an abundance of head when poured in the glass. The head left behind a frothy lacing that stuck to the sides of the glass as I drank this brew. The colour is a cloudy pale yellow with lots of floaties and lots of carbonation and at 9% it is a strong brew. The aroma has a bread yeast base with some sweet toffee hints and some floral and grassy hops. The flavour starts with some floral hops with a creamy sweetness of honey in the background. Your are left with both a sweet taste on your tongue and a hop bitterness, grapefruit and orange zest on your palate. Overall a very flavourful brew 3.9 out of 5.

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