Friday, November 21, 2014

Day 324-Beer 324 Aecht Schlenkerla Rauchbier Marzen, Brauerei Heller-Trum, Bamberg, Germany

The original smokebeer or so the label states. The brewery dates it origin back to 1405 and apparently has been run by six generations of the same family. The Rauchbier (Smokebeer)style is an old German beer style, its origins go back to the 1500's and to the district of Franconia and the town of Bamberg. It's typically of dark colour and has similarities of the Oktoberfestbier. Green malts are literally dried over an open fire of beech wood giving it a strong smoky flavour they say almost that of smoked meat.

It pours a very dark coppery black colour with a couple fingers of head that leave a sticky layer of lacing.  The aroma is definitely smoky like the smell in your clothes after sitting around a campfire with lots of sweet malts scents in the background. The brew  as the style states has a very smoky taste like that first bite of home hickory smoked bacon with a nice dark fruit and malt background and just a hint of spicy hops and a dry crisp finish that leaves a hint of that campfire smoke on your palate. It not a beer that I could drink five or six of in an evening but it is a wonderfully flavoured brew. I may have to look for some recipes to use this one in to add the wood smoke flavour and aromas to. 3.8 out of 5.

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