Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Day 321-Beer 321 Iceberg Beer, Quidi Vidi, St. Johns Newfoundland

I have to thank Norm for this one. He's graciously donated a few to the cause and this one is from his trip to NFLD. It has a special ingredient, Iceberg water. They say it takes about a year for an iceberg to float past St John's Harbour from when it breaks away from a northern ice shelf.  During its journey the outer layers melt away leaving crystal clear ice from water that thousands of years old. It is this absolutely pure water that they use to brew this beer.  It is a light lager, it pours a clear golden with very little head and no lacing.  The aroma although faint has hints of floral hops and some bready malts. The flavour has some caramel malts with just a touch of hops. The overall brew is very refreshing and a nice easy drinking beer. Quidi Vidi has done a very good job producing an above average light beer if light beer is your thing. 3.4 out of 5

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