Sunday, November 9, 2014

Day 312-Beer312 Hyrrokkin India Peated Ale, Ægir Bryggeri, Flåm, Norway

Another beer from Kristal's last trip to Norway, this one is a India Peated Ale, It is listed as an APA but we will see what the peated means as the label is all in Norwegian. From Wikipedia Hyrrokin is from Norse Mythology (and it means fire smoked) , it is a giantess who is dark and has a shrivelled appearance in the pictures of her. It is also a moon of Saturn. Anyhow here goes. It poured a muddy amber/copper colour with some off white head that leave some sticky lacing around the edge of the glass. The aroma is citrus and pine resin with hints of caramel malts. The flavour consists of strong cirtrus (grapefruit) and pine resin hop bitterness with a touch of smoke and peat and some caramel malts. Overall a good APA that is not overly sweet and has the added touch of smoke and peat. 3.7 out of 5sweet.

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