Saturday, October 4, 2014

Day 276-Beer 276 Jever Pilsner,Friesisches Brauhaus,Jever Germany

Tonight's brew is a German Style Pilsner. German Pilsners should be very light straw to golden in color with dense rich head. Generally they are also well-hopped, brewed using Noble hops such has Saaz, Hallertauer, Hallertauer Mittelfrüh, Tettnanger, Styrian Goldings, Spalt, Perle, and Hersbrucker. These varieties exhibit a spicy herbal or floral aroma and flavor, often they have a strong citrus background with lots of hop bitterness.
This one is a good example of its style, it poured a clear golden yellow with nice white head that left some nice lacing across the surface. The aroma has a grassy hop and citrus zest background. The flavour similarly has a nice grassy hop background with a hint of citrus and a slight sweetness in the background  and a nice dry bitter finish. Overall a very good pils, 3.6 out of 5.

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