Sunday, October 19, 2014

Day 291-Beer 291 Hr. Frederikson Imperial Stout, Amager Brygrus, Kastrup Denmark

This one is listed as a Russian Imperial Stout. These beers were first brewed in the 1800's for Russian Czars, high in alcohol content with lots of roasted malt, chocolate and dark fruit flavours. The hop content varies greatly from almost none to very high.
This one is 10.5% ABV and poured a dark almost black colour with a small tan head that left just a small ring of lacing around the edge of the glass. The aroma is dark bitter chocolate, espresso, caramel and plum with a earthy hop background.  is a nice herbal aroma to this. The flavour has a hop bitterness with a very sweet almost molasses taste with some roasted malts some dark chocolate, dark fruits and a bitter chocolate aftertaste. This one is a good example of the style but it has a little too much of a sweet background for me and the alcohol taste is very present as you drink this brew. It might be one to try in some of your gravy recipes or marinades. 3.4 out of 5

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