Thursday, October 23, 2014

Day 295-Beer295 Black Oak Saison, Black Oak Brewing Co. Toronto Ontario

This one is a saison or farmhouse ale. Generally there alcohol content is much higher than this brew and it has some unique ingredients that include orange zest and coriander. The orange zest affects its colour as it pours a hazy golden/orange colour with a small layer of white head that leaves some bubble patches on the surface of the brew. The aroma is yeast, floral hops and spice I guess the zest and coriander. The flavour has a toasted wheat background with hints of some sweet malts along with some coriander, cloves and hops. It is very carbonated almost giving a champagne feel. There certainly is a lot more aroma and flavour than expected for a light ABV saison, but still not what I would call a very good saison, 3.3 out of 5

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