Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Day 280-Beer 280 Resurrection Roggenbier, Cameron's Brewing Co. Oakville Ontario

Had a great day on the course today, we played Thundering Waters, a John Daly Course, I scored pretty good and we all had a great time, thanks guys. Then as I am watching tv and starting my brew for the night a commercial comes on for a new series RESSURECTUION, kind of spooky, anyhow as for the brew a roggenbier ( a rye beer),  it poured a cloudy dark amber colour with off white head that settle to just a thin layer across the surface. The aroma has hints of banana and clove similar to a hefeweizen but with a sour background of rye, yeasts and some herbal hops.The flavour also had a sour element from the rye with lots of bready yeast, banana, dark fruits and finishing with a bit of spice, pepper and a hint of grassy hops. Overall an okay brew but not one I would rush to buy again, 3.5 out of 5.

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