Monday, October 27, 2014

Day 299 Beer 299 Uber Berliner Style Weiss, Nickel Brook Brewing Co. Burlington Ontario

Tonight's brew is a Berliner Weissbier, and I should learn to read about the style before I buy one. The label states it pretty clear, it is a sour style of beer as a result of a natural by-product of lactobacillus that occurs during a sour mash. The colour is a slightly hazy golden yellow that appears more watery than most brews. There is very little head and no lacing but there seems to be quite a bit of carbonation. The aroma is sour mash and bread yeast, already not my cup of bad tea and the flavour even worse. If you are going to try this one you better like sour beer. It does have a hint of lemon hidden in the very acid tasting sour mash. Not a beer that I would ever recommend even though it may or may not be a good beer for its style, 1 out of 5

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