Friday, October 17, 2014

Day 289-Beer 289 Ayinger Brau Weisse Brauerei Aying, Aying Germany

Tonight's brew is a hefeweizen, Bavarian style wheat unfiltered wheat beer. It poured a cloudy golden yellow colour with lots of fluffy white head that left some stick lacing around the edge of the glass. The aroma has a lot of malt and yeast notes with some banana, fruit and spice in the background. The flavour matches the aroma and the style, sweet malts, a hint of honey, bread yeasts, banana and cloves. Before I started my beer tour I was never a hefe fan but I sure an learning there are some very good wheat beers out there and you do not need to add fruit to make them taste good. Overall a crisp clean finish with some very nice malt flavours, 3.6 out of 5

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