Saturday, October 25, 2014

Day 297-Beer297 Kissmeyer Nordic Pale Ale, Kissmeyer Beer, Vankleek Hill Ontario

Quite the list of ingredients in this one, Barley and Rye malts, Maple syrup, Heather Flowers, Rosehips, Cranberries, Wild Sweet Gale and Yarrow. A very interesting list to create a pale ale. It appears that this one is brewed by Beau's although the lablel doesn't state this.  It poured a hazy golden/peach colour with lots of fluffy white head that left some sticky lacing. It has some floral scents with hops and pine dominating the aroma. The flavour is lots of hops, floral and citrus with some sweet undertones. Overall an okay brew but the ingredients just don't add up to any special flavours. 3.5 out of 5

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