Monday, October 13, 2014

Day 285-Beer 285 La Morsure, Le Trou du Diable, Shawinigan Quebec

This one is courtesy Bill O, thanks for another brew on this thanksgiving day. This one is an American Pale Ale, you can check out several others on my blog by searching the letters "APA" or the words American Pale Ale".  La Morsure translate to "the bite" as an APA should have. This one poured hazy golden colour with very nice white head that left a covering of lacing across the surface. The aroma consisted of sweet malts, honey, tangerine and hints of pine resin. The flavour started out somewhat sweet, honey and tangerine than moved to floral and citrus hops but not overly bitter as is expected with the style.  A little light on the hops for its style but overall a very good brew that is quite refreshing and easy drinking, 3.7 out of 5.

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