Sunday, October 26, 2014

Day 298-Beer 298 Rickard's Lederhosen, Molson Coors Canada, Toronto Ontario

Tonight's brew is from a big brewer but you need to try some of their brews too. This one is a Marzen or Octoberfest Lager. See Sept. 17 for a description and comparison. This one poured a clear amber/copper colour with lots of off white head that settled to a thin layer of sticky froth across the surface. The aroma was somewhat skunky, sour mash or musty hops of some kind, with some caramel malt in the background. Although the sour taste is still there, the flavour is better then the smell, some faint hints of caramel, nuts and roasted malts with a mild hop bitterness. It however finishes with a slight metallic taste from the alcohol content. Overall for a big brewery not a bad attempt at an old style of beer, get rid of the sourness in the first mouthfuls and the aroma and it would be a lot better, 3.3 out of 5

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