Friday, January 31, 2014

Day 31-Beer 31 Founders Dry Hopped Ale, Founders Brewing Co., Grand Rapids Michigan

It poured a golden colour with just a bit of cloud. Some nice head and lacing with typical aromas of malt and hops with a sweet background. It did not have the real spicy bitter flavours of a really good IPA but it did have a nice balance. My friend John B tried some as well. At first he wasn't too sure about it but then said it grew on him. When we finished our testing and went back to drink a Yuengling he said that the Yuengling had no body at all in comparison. Overall 3.7 out of 5.

Day 30-Beer 30 Sea Dog Raspberry Beer, Sea Dog Brewing Co., Portland Maine

A little late writing this one up but the Internet was down last night. I have always said that if you have to add fruit to a beer you probably shouldn't drink it. Anyhow, this one wasn't too bad. It poured a nice clear golden colour with a hint of red. It produce a nice effervescent head but it dissipated very quickly. All you could smell was raspberry and the taste, a little sweet for me, was raspberry all the way. It reminded me of drinking a cooler, but I don't think I could drink two of these in one setting. My wife and Dolores split one, and they both thought it was very good. Dolores who said she does not like beer at all really enjoyed it and thought it would be a great beer to have on a real hot day by the pool. Overall, 3.2 out of 5.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Day 29-Beer 29 Right On Red, Orlando Brewing

Played in a great tournament today at ILE. My golfing partners(Dick,Lynn and Ray), the GO GIRLS were second overall, we should have been first but our putters kept getting caught in our skirts. Should have some pictures tomorrow. Tonight's beer is from Florida, Right On Red. It poured an slightly cloudy amber red with decent head but very little lacing left behind, A nice malty aroma with a hint of hops and caramel. A very easy drinking ale with only a bit of hops bitterness balanced with a semi sweet aftertaste. Overall pretty good, 3.7 out of 5.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Day 28-Beer 28 Vanilla Porter, Beckenridge Brewery

Another fine day, around 80 today, while, my daughter struggled with frozen pipes in Canada. I completed my daily exercises with my team-mates (Lynn and Dick) in tomorrow's tournament and their spouses Phylis and Carol. We had just a few warm-ups, Modello, Bud Light, and some Miller 64, but we didn't empty the fridge. Then on to my Vanilla Porter. It poured a dark brown with a hint of red if you held it up to the light. Virtually no head or lacing but some carbonation bubble. It had a great aroma, a mix of vanilla and roasted malts. A hint of caramel as well. The taste was very similar, vanilla, coffee, caramel, with a touch of milk chocolate sweetness, kind of like Werther's Originals, but with some Jack Daniels added. Overall a nice sipping beer, a little sweet, but not overbearing like yesterdays chocolate stout. I'd give it a 3.7 out of 5.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Day 27- Beer 27 Organic Chocolate Stout, Samuel Smith's Brewery

Off to Tadcaster England for a taste of chocolate stout. If you are a chocolate lover and like beer this one may be for you. It's like a milk chocolate shake with a little alcohol. It poured a dark chocolate brown with nice creamy white head and amber lacing. Almost all you can smell is chocolate, overpowering any aroma of the malts. The taste was as chocolate as the smell. Overall a 3.4 out of 5 simply because is was too sweet for me, but I am sure a lover of sweet stouts would rate it higher.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Day 26 - Beer 26 Southern Pecan Nut Brown Ale, Lazy Magnolia

A little side trip to Kiln, Mississippi, for some southern hospitality. Southern Pecan Nut Brown Ale is the first beer in the world, so they say, made with whole roasted pecans. "The pecans are used just like grain and provide a nutty characteristic and a delightful depth to the flavor profile". It poured a clear dark chestnut brown colour with almost no head and lacing but it did have some carbonation bubbles that stuck to the sides of the glass. You could smell the pecans and malts with a hint of caramel. With every mouthful you could taste the pecans and roasted malts. Overall a little on the sweet side for an English Brown Ale, but none the less a very interesting and enjoyable beer. I'd give it a 3.8 out of 5.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Day 25-Beer 25 60 Minute IPA, Dogfish Head Craft Brewers

And my beer went hop hop hopping along... Our friends Lynn and Phylis sent me this picture of last night. They wanted to know if I really enjoyed the entertainment or had I just spent a little too long in the 19th hole???? Anyhow back to the task at hand today's beer from Milton Delaware. Before we start to taste the beer first we must ask the question, how long does it take to make a great IPA. 90 Minute IPA was pretty good, one of the best I have had, so can one do just as good in 60 minutes, I guess we'll find out. What makes it a 60 minute IPA according to Dogfish Head is that the 60 hops are continuously added during a 60 minute boil in order to produce the beer. The beer pours a nice clear yellow-amber colour, with good head and really nice lacing.The aroma is very hoppy, with nice citrus overtones On first sip, it's noticeably tastier than a lot of IPA but not a spicy as their 90 minute IPA. It was slightly sweet with a moderate amount of hops bitterness. An fairly outstanding IPA , I'd rate it a 4 out of 5

Friday, January 24, 2014

Day 24-Beer 24 Hefe Weissbier, Weihenstephaner

A long hard day, golf, beer, the fish fry at Camp Tiger, live entertainment by Richard Robbins and then more beer. Today's beer was brewed by Staats Brauerei, Weihenstephaner, Freising, Germany,( They call themselves the oldest brewery in the world), Hefe Weissbier ( a yeast wheat beer) pours a yellow/orange colour with a very little cloud that you see in most Belgian wheat beers. It produced lots of bubbly white head with nice sticky lacing. It was quite fragrant with hints of citrus and banana. The first mouthful has a bit of spice up front but settles into a very mellow lingering sweetness. I have never been a wheat beer fan, but this is probably what they should all taste like and certainly the best wheat beer I have had to date. I guess they have had lots of practice since they claim it was first brewed in 1040 AD. Overall 3.9 out of 4, I never thought I would rate a wheat beer that high.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Day 23-Beer 23 Pugsley's Signature XXXX IPA, Shipyard Brewing

A great night of euchre with our friends from Midland, Ontario, Tom and Dolores. So, tonight's beer was sandwiched between several Modelos, Yuenglings and a Denver Pale Ale. Tom has had to help me write this up and I don't understand why? Anyhow, the beer poured a hazy orange red colour with almost no head but some good lacing. Tom said " it look like a red eye that was poured after midnight and they only had a drop of tomato juice left to put in the beer". Now, the smell, I said citrus, very orange like, Tom agreed. The flavours consisted of toffee and orange but my fellow card players all said candy apple?, I don't know but that's what they said. It definitely was not a great example of an IPA, far too sweet and not enough hops and spice. It was however a very interesting flavour and started me on the way to a great night at 9.25%. Although it was very strong, the alcohol was well hidden. I 'd rate it a 3.6 out of 5. Have a hoppy night

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Day 22-Beer 22 Organic Honey Basil , Bison Brewing

It was very cold here in Florida today, only a high in the mid fifties. Had an early morning start on the golf course, the temp. was around 45 but we persevered and made it to the 19th Hole before noon in time to have a few warm-up beers before heading to Ukiah, CA for an organic experience. The beer poured a hazy orange-amber colour with almost no head, some carbonation bubbles and no lacing. You could definitely smell the honey in the ale. The flavour is a little sweet for my liking with tastes of honey, a hint of citrus and a touch of bitter hops. As for the Basil, I couldn't smell it, or taste it, although, the beer did have a hint of something different, which was likely from the basil or possibly the bison droppings it was grown in. All organic, you know. I'd only rate this one a 3.1 out of 5.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Day 21 - Beer 21 400 Pound Monkey, Left Hand brewing Co.

Hoppy days are here again, maybe? We had a great euchre game tonight with some Merkins (Doug and Judy), from Hio, so to speak. Learned how to deal Merkin style, not like those Canucks. Had lots of warm ups and some "apple pie",so hopefully it didn't effect my taste buds too much. However, I was a little disappointed tonite with my beer. Left-handers usually do things better, but 400 Pound Monkey rated a mere 3.1 out of 5. I really enjoy a good IPA, but this one missed the mark. It poured a hazy straw gold colour with almost no head and a little floating lace. There was virtually no aroma emanating from the glass of beer. As for flavour it was not outstanding in its class, mild hops and spices and little of the citrus bang that is required for a true IPA. The striking bitterness of a hoppy IPA just wasn't there. I think this Monkey should go on a big diet.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Day 20 - Beer 20 Big Eye IPA, Balast Point Brewing Co.

It must be a hoppy week, another IPA, and I have a few more to try over the next couple of days. Big Eye ( brewed in San Diego Ca.) poured a nice clear amber/orange colour with ample head, carbonation and lacing that lasted through the entire glass of beer. It was very fragrant. The flavours of hops,malt, spice and citrus were well balanced with a definite bite to it. I put this one right up there with 90 Minute IPA, and give it an overall rating of 4.1 out of 5

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Day 19 - Beer 19 Lucky U IPA, Breckenridge Brewery

Since Paton Manning didn't really need any luck today to defeat Mr. Tom Brady, go Broncos, I thought I would head back to Denver and try a little luck myself, Lucky U IPA. It poured a muddy orange colour, a little cloudy for my liking, good head, and nice lacing around the edge of the glass.Not much aroma but the taste was better, nice malt flavours, a nice hint of citrus and spice with some hop bitterness. Overall, a hoppy homage to the Broncos, but otherwise typical, run of the mill IPA , that was okay but not a stand out. I'd give it a 3.5 out of 5. As the label says "Drink Up, Fortuitous One".

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Day 18 - Beer 18 Humboldt Brown Ale, Nectar Ales

Off to Paso Robles California for a look at the mountains and an all natural HEMP beer. I thought I'd try to smoke it but it was to hard to light so I got out a glass as usual and forced myself to drink another beer. Someone has to do it so it might as well be me again. The beer a dark reddish brown with a small head that dissipated quickly with a stream of bubbles that rose to the top. It had a nice aroma of caramel and roasted malts. It was similar in taste to most nut browns with a hint of coffee, caramel and nut flavours. There is a nice balance of dark malt flavours and light hops with just a touch of bitterness. An enjoyable beer, I'd rate it at 3.7 out of 5.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Day 17 - Beer 17 Indie Pale Ale, Cisco Brewers

There once was a man from Nantucket, oops, not very suitable for this blog so I better change that to there was a beer from Nantucket, there was only one in a bucket, so I sat down and drunk it, for fear it may go to waste, I did it without haste. It had a nice taste and poured orange-red, with some nice lace and a real good head...( I may need some help with my rhymes but, certainly not any, to finish my beer). Indie Pale Ale ( an American IPA) is a full bodied beer with nice spicy hops, a good balance of malts, and a hint of grapefruit. Overall a nice beer, with good carbonation and flavours, I'd rate it with a 3.8 out of 5

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Day 16 - Beer 16 Polestar Pilsner, Left Hand Brewing Co.

From one lefty to another so to speak ,the Left Hand Brewing Co., Longmont Co. The beer poured a slightly cloudy golden yellow with a very small white head that left considerable lacing on the surface and carbonation bubbles that continued to rise similar to bubbly wines. A nice fresh smelling beer with tastes of some spicy hops and a hint of sweet yet tangy citrus. I'd give it a 3.7 out of 5, a very drinkable and tasty plilsner.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Day 15 - Beer 15 Monk In The Trunk Organic Amber Ale, Inlet Brewing Co.

The label talks of the legend that a Monk from Belgium set out in search of the best ingredients available around the globe and he ended up in Jupiter Florida, but its more likely he had a few too many and ran the boat aground and got stuck in Florida making Belgian Style Beers. Anyhow, Monk in a Trunk poured a nice clear light amber colour with very little head but it had good carbonation. It had very little aroma. The flavour started with just a bit of sharpness from the hops, followed with some sweetness (caramel and nut) and no after taste. The Drunk Monk did okay, an overall score of 3.7 out of 5.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Day 14 - Beer 14 Denver Pale Ale, Great Divide Brewing Co.

Off to Denver Colorado,after a game of pickle-ball, for a DPA - Denver Pale Ale. Although it poured a nice golden colour it was a little too cloudy for my liking. It had a good head which quickly dissipated and left nice lacing around the glass. The well balanced bitter flavours of hops and malts made it a drinkable beer but it had a slight sweetness to it, with hint of orange, ot typical of a pale ale. Overall I enjoyed the beer but it didn't wow me, I'd give it 3.6ut of 5

Monday, January 13, 2014

Day 13 - Beer 13 Thunderstruck Cofee Porter, Highland Brewing Co.

It was a great day on the course, shot an 87, which is very good for me and won a few dollars too. So off to Ashville North Carolina and the Highland Brewing Co. for a little night cap, a Thunderstruck Coffee Porter. It poured a very dark brown, almost black, colour with wispy light tan head which dissipated quickly leaving a small lacing around the edge of the glass. The aroma was like an espresso coffee with a hint of sweetness, very inviting to the nose. Flavors were bitter with roasted malts and a blast of coffee and a trace of dark chocolate. A very solid beer with strong flavours and very drinkable. A great end to a great day. I would give it a 4 out of 5. If you are not into porters and stouts think BBQ marinade recipes.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Day 12 - Beer 12 Three Philosophers, Ommegang Brewery

Day 12 another beautiful day in paradise and so another Ommegang Brewery Beer (Cooperstown, New York). Three Philosophers Quadruple ale is a Belgian style ale, it poured a cloudy dark copper colour with a tan head with some lasting power and good lacing. It has a slightly sweet and nutty aroma to it. Nice malt flavours with a warming feeling. Overall pretty good, 3.8 out of 5

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Day 11- Beer 11 90 Minute Imperial IPA, Dogfish Head Craft Brewery Inc.

Well, first, I dropped my daughter Kristal off at the airport for her sojourn back to the cold of Canada, then sat down to a 90 Minute Imperial IPA from Dogfish Brewery, Milton, Delaware. It was truly an unexpected treat. It poured with a nice head and lacing that lasted through the entire drink. It's a beer you'll truly just want to sit back and enjoy. If you are a fan of IPA this one that is up there with the best of them. The tastes of roasted malts, hops and spices were about as good as you can get. The flavours continued to linger well after finishing the beer. Unfortunately I only had purchased one, so upon finishing, I had a Kristall Wiezen, a beer I evaluated a few days ago, and the flavour of the IPA continued throughout. Then back to a Yuengling, what a disappointment after such a great beer and still the wonderful IPA flavours persisted. A great IPA; I'd give it my best rating so far at 4.2 out of 5. I can't wait to find a beer that I rate better.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Day 10 - Beer 10 Old Thumper, Shipyard Brewing Co.

Got in a little late after a great supper a Manny's Chophouse so its a quick review tonight. Old Thumper, Shipyard Brewing Co. Portland Maine calls itself a Beast of a Beer.It pours a cloudy amber colour with a little off-white head . It is much like an English Bitter with some sweet background tastes along with a hint of spice and roasted malts. Overall pretty good. 3.4 out of 5.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Day 9 - Beer Nine Jeff Stout, Lazy Magnolia

For those with a true Southern Appetite, Jeff Stout, Sweet Potato Cream Stout, by Lazy Magnolia Brewing Co. Kiln, Mississippi, would be an interesting one to try. It is actually brewed with sweet potatoes and milk sugars (not so good for the lactose intolerant). It poured dark chocolate brown with a very nice creamy tan head. It smelled sweet with a touch of coffee and caramel. It had a rich creamy flavour with a slightly sweet background but unfortunately the sweet potato was undetectable. That would have made it very unique. This would be a great beer to add to your BBQ marinades. As a stout I would say is was pretty good and I would rate it a 3.5 out of 5.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Day 8 - Beer 8 Orange Blossom Pislner, LLC

Thought it was time to stay at home and try something a little more local, Orange Blossom Pilsner, Florida's Honey Beer. However, when I examined the label a little closer it is actually made for LLC by a craft brewer in South Carolina--Thomas Creek Brewery. The beer poured a very clear honey golden colour with a little head that dissipated quickly. You could smell a hint of orange and honey and likewise it had just a hint of the tastes of honey and orange. Overall a fairly light and refreshing beer with no aftertaste, an okay beer. I would give it a 3.2 out of 5.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Day 7-Beer 7 Hibernation Ale, Great Divide Brewing Co.

It was very cold today here in Florida, not fit for man nor beast and even less for golfers and bears so I thought I'd stay inside and Hibernate a little. Hibernation Ale (Great Divide Brewing Co.,Denver Colorado) poured a dark chocolate brown with little head that dissipated quickly. The taste was more like a hoppy IPA with a bitter spice and chocolate after-taste, not what I expected at all from its label that stated it is an Old English Style Ale. It smelled and tasted a little like stale, smokey coffee, not really my cup of tea so to speak. It, however, does a good job of warming you up as it is a strong ale at 8.7% but the alcohol level is not overbearing and is well hidden by its spicy flavours. This beer has received high ratings by many, but for me it was just okay. I gave it 3.3 out of 5. I guess part of that is I have never been a fan of English Beers.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Day 6 - Beer 6 Kristall Weizen, Brauerei Tucher Brau

While I still had access to the jet and the cold snap sits over the north east and only after I played a great round of golf in shirtsleeves and shorts (70 and sunny), I set off for a taste of Germany. Tucher's Kristall Weizen poured a clear golden colour with a very nice white effervescent head.The smells and tastes were similar to many German style beers with a hint of fruitiness and yeast. The beer was light and refreshing. My Daughter Kristal said "Kristall was great", but I would rate it a 3.8 out of 5, very good but not great.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Day 5-Beer 5 Maudite,Unibroue

Got in a little late from a swamp buggy ride with some true Floridians, so a quick beer and a quick review. Maudite Amber Red Ale on Lees? by Unibroue, Quebec. I'm not sure what the label means when it says refermented with spices but the beer was pretty interesting. It had a little head and a somewhat cloudy copper colour. The flavour was not a sweet as many reds and had a slight bitter aftertaste. A very acceptable ale but certainly not the top of its class. I would give it a 3.2 out of 5.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Day 4- Beer 4 Hennepin, Ommegang Brewery

Since I visited the Fanatsy of Flight museum today I was inspired to hop in a jet and take a little sightseeing tour closer to home, a visit to Cooperstown New York and the Ommegang Brewery for a tast of Hennepin Farmhouise Saison, a fairly strong ale at 7.7% named after the first explorer to visit Niagara Falls,Father Louis Hennepin. Although a little cloudy it was crisp and flavourful. It produced a very fizzy head when poured that settled fairly quickly leaving a very effervesant and aromatic ale. It certainly did not have an overpowering taste like many stong ales probably due to its slight sweetness and citrus aromas. A great finish to a not so great day, weather-wise, here in Florida, a little cool and overcast. Overall rating 4 out of 5. I also gave a taste to my Daughter Kristal who is visiting from Canada and she loved it and commented that "it's not overpowering like many Belgian type ales". Wish I had bought a few more.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Day 3- Beer 3 Sea Dog Porter, Sea Dog Brewing Co

Across the country in search of a Dog to catch another mermaid, I ended up in Maine in a blizzard and extreme cold temperatures, a real Nor-Wester, and found just what I needed to warm me up. It was very cool today here in Florida so a stop at the 19th Hole after a round of golf for a bowl of soup and some Yuengling Draft seemed to be in order. Then I sat down to a Sea Dog Hazelnut Porter brewed by Sea Dog Brewing Co. Maine. The perfect beer to chase a Red Mermaid. The smell of hazelnuts made for a great aromatic experience. The beer had a nice dark brown colour with a light tan head. The tastes were a blend of roasted malts, a hint of nut, chocolate and coffee. It was very smooth with just enough carbonation. Overall a very good porter, a rating of 4 out of 5.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Day 2- Beer 2 Mermaid's Red Coronado Brewing Co

Jan. 2 was a gorgeous day here in Florida, sunny and seventy five so as usual there were a few warm ups before the the trip to California to see the mermaids. Mermaid's Red (Amber Ale) is made in Coronado CA. It had a very interesting and crisp flavour, almost chocolate like with a nice strong taste of hops with just enough bitterness to peak your interest. The aroma was very pleasing. It poured nicely with just a little head. The colour was copper/brown with a little cloud. I could dive in and swim with this mermaid again. Overall,I would give it a rating of 3.5 out of 5.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Day 1 PresqueIsle, Erie Brewing Co.

Here we go, had a few warm-ups first. It was a little cool today in Florida so I had a couple of Yuengling amber lagers (a fairly good big brewery beer from America's oldest brewery in PA). However I am starting my tour close to home in Eire PA. My day number 1 is PresqueIsle Pilsner. It's made by Eire Brewing Co. I hope my taste buds were not overly effected by the warm ups but it didn't have a lot of flavour. It was not your typical European Pilsner and was a little cloudy for my liking. Looking at it you might think is was a wheat beer knock off. I'd only give it a rating of 2.5 out of 5. It is quite light with a slight hint of hops and very little after taste. It had very little head and what it did have disappeared after only a few sips. The label on the bottle was quite nice with a beautiful old sailing ship, unfortunately the beer would not have been missed if it had sank with the ship in the war of 1812. I think today's winner was my warm up Yeungling. Oh well I have three hundred and sixty four more to try. It's a hard life but someone has to do it.

Happy new year to all, bottoms up

Happy New Year the tour begins today.

Its a new year and my tour of the world via beer begins today. I'm currently in Florida so I am going to start my trip with an American beer but I not sure from where it will be. I think  I'll save it for latter in the day but I sure will let you know all about it. I thought I would try all 365 kinds today so I don't have to wait all year to savour the different tastes but I do have to get up in the morning to play golf so I'll just stick to my one a day, just like multiple vitamins,  but with a little more anticipation of what each day this year will bring.