Monday, January 13, 2014

Day 13 - Beer 13 Thunderstruck Cofee Porter, Highland Brewing Co.

It was a great day on the course, shot an 87, which is very good for me and won a few dollars too. So off to Ashville North Carolina and the Highland Brewing Co. for a little night cap, a Thunderstruck Coffee Porter. It poured a very dark brown, almost black, colour with wispy light tan head which dissipated quickly leaving a small lacing around the edge of the glass. The aroma was like an espresso coffee with a hint of sweetness, very inviting to the nose. Flavors were bitter with roasted malts and a blast of coffee and a trace of dark chocolate. A very solid beer with strong flavours and very drinkable. A great end to a great day. I would give it a 4 out of 5. If you are not into porters and stouts think BBQ marinade recipes.

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