Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Day 22-Beer 22 Organic Honey Basil , Bison Brewing

It was very cold here in Florida today, only a high in the mid fifties. Had an early morning start on the golf course, the temp. was around 45 but we persevered and made it to the 19th Hole before noon in time to have a few warm-up beers before heading to Ukiah, CA for an organic experience. The beer poured a hazy orange-amber colour with almost no head, some carbonation bubbles and no lacing. You could definitely smell the honey in the ale. The flavour is a little sweet for my liking with tastes of honey, a hint of citrus and a touch of bitter hops. As for the Basil, I couldn't smell it, or taste it, although, the beer did have a hint of something different, which was likely from the basil or possibly the bison droppings it was grown in. All organic, you know. I'd only rate this one a 3.1 out of 5.

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