Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Day 7-Beer 7 Hibernation Ale, Great Divide Brewing Co.

It was very cold today here in Florida, not fit for man nor beast and even less for golfers and bears so I thought I'd stay inside and Hibernate a little. Hibernation Ale (Great Divide Brewing Co.,Denver Colorado) poured a dark chocolate brown with little head that dissipated quickly. The taste was more like a hoppy IPA with a bitter spice and chocolate after-taste, not what I expected at all from its label that stated it is an Old English Style Ale. It smelled and tasted a little like stale, smokey coffee, not really my cup of tea so to speak. It, however, does a good job of warming you up as it is a strong ale at 8.7% but the alcohol level is not overbearing and is well hidden by its spicy flavours. This beer has received high ratings by many, but for me it was just okay. I gave it 3.3 out of 5. I guess part of that is I have never been a fan of English Beers.

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