Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Day 28-Beer 28 Vanilla Porter, Beckenridge Brewery

Another fine day, around 80 today, while, my daughter struggled with frozen pipes in Canada. I completed my daily exercises with my team-mates (Lynn and Dick) in tomorrow's tournament and their spouses Phylis and Carol. We had just a few warm-ups, Modello, Bud Light, and some Miller 64, but we didn't empty the fridge. Then on to my Vanilla Porter. It poured a dark brown with a hint of red if you held it up to the light. Virtually no head or lacing but some carbonation bubble. It had a great aroma, a mix of vanilla and roasted malts. A hint of caramel as well. The taste was very similar, vanilla, coffee, caramel, with a touch of milk chocolate sweetness, kind of like Werther's Originals, but with some Jack Daniels added. Overall a nice sipping beer, a little sweet, but not overbearing like yesterdays chocolate stout. I'd give it a 3.7 out of 5.

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