Thursday, January 23, 2014

Day 23-Beer 23 Pugsley's Signature XXXX IPA, Shipyard Brewing

A great night of euchre with our friends from Midland, Ontario, Tom and Dolores. So, tonight's beer was sandwiched between several Modelos, Yuenglings and a Denver Pale Ale. Tom has had to help me write this up and I don't understand why? Anyhow, the beer poured a hazy orange red colour with almost no head but some good lacing. Tom said " it look like a red eye that was poured after midnight and they only had a drop of tomato juice left to put in the beer". Now, the smell, I said citrus, very orange like, Tom agreed. The flavours consisted of toffee and orange but my fellow card players all said candy apple?, I don't know but that's what they said. It definitely was not a great example of an IPA, far too sweet and not enough hops and spice. It was however a very interesting flavour and started me on the way to a great night at 9.25%. Although it was very strong, the alcohol was well hidden. I 'd rate it a 3.6 out of 5. Have a hoppy night

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