Thursday, January 9, 2014

Day 9 - Beer Nine Jeff Stout, Lazy Magnolia

For those with a true Southern Appetite, Jeff Stout, Sweet Potato Cream Stout, by Lazy Magnolia Brewing Co. Kiln, Mississippi, would be an interesting one to try. It is actually brewed with sweet potatoes and milk sugars (not so good for the lactose intolerant). It poured dark chocolate brown with a very nice creamy tan head. It smelled sweet with a touch of coffee and caramel. It had a rich creamy flavour with a slightly sweet background but unfortunately the sweet potato was undetectable. That would have made it very unique. This would be a great beer to add to your BBQ marinades. As a stout I would say is was pretty good and I would rate it a 3.5 out of 5.

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