Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Day 181- Beer 181 Tap 5 Hopfenweisse, Schneider & Brooklyner, Kelhelm Bavaria Germany

Inching on of half way tonight's brew although posted a little late was a great wheat-dopplebock beer, and that's hard for me to say. A typical pour is was a very cloudy golden orange colour with minimal head that left a sticky residue on the edge of the glass. The aroma  was not a typical wheat beer as the first to hit you was the hops  and citrus scents with a clove background. The flavour/ taste was also unique, wheat, banana, cloves and just a nice hint of bitter hops. Its a strong beer at 8.2%ABV but that does not override the taste. It finishes dry with a hint of sourness. Outstanding for a wheat beer, 4 out of 5

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